The Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital is a tertiary care referral centre for paediatrics located in Chennai and has 230 beds. It is a non-profit trust providing quality services in paediatrics, paediatric surgery and all paediatric sub-specialities. This hospital has been in existence for the last 32 years. We are proud and honoured that this hospital recognises and supports our efforts. Each patient ‘adopted’ by our trust is admitted here and all hospital charges, including bed, lab and doctors fees are waived off. Thus we are required to pay only the actual cost of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the children. All surgical services are also provided free of cost – we purchase the consumables involved. Thus for a child with leukemia we have to spend approximately Rs.4-5 Lakhs only where as if the entire hospitalisation has to be paid for it would come to Rs.7-8 Lakhs.
Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS (Children`s Health Institute Laboratory and Diagnostic Services) Trust Hospital is the largest children`s hospital in the private sector in India. KKCTH has a bed-strength of 230, which includes medical, surgical and super specialty beds spread over 75,000 sq.ft in the heart of Chennai. A SEVEN- storeyed tall model centre for childcare, Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital reflects an ongoing commitment to provide complete pediatric healthcare services under one roof.